Police Tricks 2018 - links to evidence
Tuesday, 01 January 2019
You'll be aware I'm trying to reform the shocking behaviour of both British Police and the CPS. Later I shall elucidate the exact changes I feel are needed in 2019 and perhaps reveal some of the participants in these changes. But these links give an example.

The ex Chief Constable Ephgrave who intelligently chose to jump from the Captain's place on the Good Ship Surrey to the lower deck on the Good Ship Met, before he was pushed by the current examination into his behaviour, chose a few months ago to make a speech in which he stated he firmly believes there are NO bent cops and they NEVER act corruptly; merely "getting things wrong".

After reading that (and I'm sure we would all agree they don't always act corruptly; only sometimes; and most mistakes are honestly made, which still doesn't justify them)... read the report on a bent Surrey cop (working in the same building, Mount Browne, as both Ephgrave and his moronic Police and Crime Commissioner Munro - just down the corridor).

You'll spot NO COMMENT from Ephgrave (who probably believed the man just accidentally misbehaved) - instead his Deputy (now Acting CC of Surrey) bleats the standard "thoughts are with friends and family" cliche on his behalf.

"There is no place in Surrey Police..." Bollocks. The force is riddled with idiots and a few malicious, vindictive, ambitious and greedy bent criminals, allowed to get away with their crimes knowing Ephgrave will support them... "the warrant would have been granted anyway"... "they would have died (eventually) anyway"...

Will Operation Hydrant, Surrey Police PSD and the IOPC spot these flawed policies and stop them from ruining and killing others? We'll find out in 2019. Meanwhile KingOfHits visitors have been aware for years - but these two stories provide fresh evidence.

