A thoughtful King
Contemplating life.
A Kingky King
Thanks to the Apple App.
Good Morning
New snaps of a handsome man
A Chicken noodle curry
with onions, garlic, mushrooms and chunks of chicken breasts in very mild butter and cream curry.
Franks, Pots, Ons, Gars, Butts, and a giant Pimms with Ginger Beer
Lunch with old friends
My friend since she was about 3
Arthur - One of Britain's top barristers
Steffi and Sofia
A Still Life
Perhaps my favourite meal - avocado and Clamato Juice (actually a Bloody King with Malibu Rum).
A chicken and Champagne pie
Delicious new Waitrose dinner.
A Quizzical Quing
Squinty squinty
They voted for us - fools!
As long as the media obeys instructions - we're here for life!
A Fish Pie
One of the best Charlie Bigham dishes - went through a phase of too little fish; now back to excellent.
A JK Chinese
Chicken with cabbage, onion and garlic plus egg fried rice and a huge PIMMS.
A King
Catch my review of the Oscars 2025 on YouTube or dedicated site - A Victim Bites Back