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King of Hits
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Who in the media can we trust? PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 03 May 2015
As we see The Independent publish Harvey Proctor's excellent statement about the broken justice system, and we remember Inside Time (the prison's newspaper) carrying my rant on the same topic, I'm prompted to wonder what has happened to Traditional Media.

The Guardian and The Observer used to be the voice of the liberal left, battling against injustice and campaigning for truth, but it has become remarkably silent since Leveson - possibly due to the takeover by the feminists, always powerful there (for correct reasons - fighting, like gays, for the treatment of women as gays fought for the treatment of gays but, once so much has been won, again like gays, protecting themselves at the expense of other targets like rapists and paedophiles).

Where can the voice of the abandoned be heard, seen or read? Very few places. I've found, for 15 years, rejection by most of the mainstream as I am considered a Vile Pervert. It may, of course, be because I'm a lousy writer and bad communicator, but that didn't stop the media carrying my words in the past.

By co-incidence, at the very moment traditional media slammed its door shut, another opened. The Internet arrived and my points started being carried online. Indeed, during my trial and incarceration, the KIngOfHits website had 10,000 visits a day as the public thirsted for the other side of the story. I used to get great pleasure, when certain papers printed totally false stories, in revealing the private phone numbers of Editors of the national tabloids. Andy Coulson, then Editor of the News of the World, had to change his number several times due to getting hundreds of calls on the days after publication, asking why he was printing lies about me. Naturally, my friends and sources, provided me with the new numbers within minutes.

But the Internet, as we know, is, like everything, not simply one thing. The many disadvantages of "giving a voice to the voiceless" have become increasingly clear. And, as years pass, there are fewer and fewer places in traditional media that dare question the establishment and the system. But I sense a slow movement by a few to break the accepted vow of silence. I always puzzled as to why the No 1 rule in media ("It's a good story") hadn't caused this, but at last some are allowing dissent.

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