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King of Hits
JK - ahead of the pack again PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 07 November 2014
So, I was deeply annoyed that my first volume of autobiography, 65 My Life So Far, found, on E Book/Kindle, that many of the photo sections and captions separated. We managed to correct it, using a very good young transposing editor (so if you buy it now, it's fine).

But recent E Books like my friend Stephen Fry's latest had the same problem. Even huge publishing houses mess up the photo sections.

For 70 FFFY - my second Volume of Autobiography, technically out on December 6th but actually available very soon - I asked James to try putting both text (captions) and images (photos) into one page files and then rephoto each page into a new file. He did that and it works! Yet again, JK is ahead of the big boys.

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