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Saturday, 28 September 2013
As I get older it's rather nice seeing creative artistes get better and better with age.

I thought A Delicate Truth was John Le Carre's best novel yet - and he's in his 80s - and I've been a huge fan from Day One, reading every book and considering him our best British writer since Graham Greene.

I really like Woody Allen as a film maker - I think my favourite so far was Zelig, though I've not seen many of his movies - but this latest is absolutely terrific. Cate Blanchett is extraordinary; pop down to the bookies and put a hefty sum on her winning Best Actress next year at the Oscars - it is an absolute certainty.

But the entire movie is a triumph with some great performances by the other actors too.

Cleverly written, superbly directed, beautifully filmed. Well done Woody.

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