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Home arrow Attitudes & Opinions arrow My letter to this year's Booker Prize Chairman
My letter to this year's Booker Prize Chairman PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Dear Robert Macfarlane

Can I please request serious consideration by your judges to A Delicate Truth by John Le Carre? I admit to being a huge fan - I think he's our best British writer since Graham Greene - but I truly think with this novel he has surpassed himself. It really is a triumph. And he's now in his 80s.

I found myself doing something I rarely do (except whenever I reread Dickens); pause in mid read after a paragraph, sentence or even word, and cherish the stunning ability of choosing that particular expression. This happened frequently when reading A Delicate Truth.

Just a thought by a big Booker Prize fan - I try to read all six short listers every year and have discovered many terrific books thanks to it.

Best wishes

Jonathan King

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