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King of Hits
Amazaddict PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 24 May 2010
I've become an Amazaddict.

Well honestly when you can get three marvellous old Bette Davis movies on DVD for £5, delivered free to your door, who could resist?

I've been listening to my original favourite cast soundtrack of the musical Kismet; some of the lyrics - Stranger In Paradise, The Olive Tree - are quite marvellous.

And This Is My Beloved is an absolute masterpiece.

The CD contains a brilliant old Mike Wallace interview with writers and stars and the legendary Goddard Lieberson who I was lucky enough to meet towards the end of his life.

Goddard, Paley, Hammond, Wexler, Ertegun, Spector, Meek - I have been so fortunate to have met personally virtually all my heroes.

What a charmed life.

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