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King of Hits
Morocco 2008/2009 PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 09 January 2009
Another three weeks of (generally) sunshine - see the photos section.

I tend to read a huge amount during my travel breaks, consuming several novels a week. I drive a lot, usually covering 5-6000 miles a time. I listen to local radio; I love Moroccan radio - it's like Radio One was 30 years ago, full of enthusiasm, lots of repeated hits and a small playlist, equalisation to beat the opposition.

It made me laugh this trip - for several days nobody sussed the word PENIS in Akon's Dangerous - when they did, they bleeped it. And I Kissed A Girl seems to have passed Islamic censorship completely.

Some excellent restaurants there - the Thai one in the Amanjena Marrakech is terrific at present, on a standard with New York, London... and Bangkok.

My Slingbox enables me to watch UK TV as it happens (the system gives you control of your UK Freeview box on your laptop so the screen becomes a UK TV).

Weather was generally pretty good though sadly never hot enough to swim. It is a joy passing the orange trees laden with fruit every few seconds and the smell is a delight. When it rains (buckets for an hour - then bright sun) the earth smells so rich I almost wish I could be buried in it.

Moroccans are so friendly and sweet and good natured. Very much a cultured, good tempered race.

Broadband and WiFi is getting better and better there and more widespread. Mobiles everywhere (even shepherds have them).

I cannot recommend the country highly enough. It's still relatively cheap though the Dirham is worth far less against Sterling. I used my dollars most of the time; far better rate.

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