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Should radio be playing Gary Glitter? PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 18 August 2008
Media Censorship in the Old Model.

Jonathan King.

Nobody will play Gary Glitter's music just like nobody plays mine. Is this vile censorship because of our (in my case wrongful; I have no idea about his) convictions and subsequent change of image?

Quite honestly, no it's not.

Nobody plays the new music by old rockers anyway. When was the last time you heard a new McCartney track or recent Prince recording or fresh Shakin' Stevens sound on the radio or TV?

They won't touch any of us - in most cases quite rightly, as the quality has gone right off and the energy of youth, inventiveness and enthusiasm has been killed by age, money, family, career, drugs and all the other suffocating influences of life.

You don't hear new Cliff Richard music anywhere - and he's a fine upstanding Christian man who, I'm sure, has never indulged in an illegal sex act in his life.

I've gotten around this ageist ban thanks to the new technology and recent tracks of mine like Wilde About Boys and The True Story Of Harold Shipman have had 40,000 views and plays on You Tube in the last few weeks, along with dozens of others of my new songs. And I have to tell you - even in the old days only my friend the late John Peel would have dared touch lyrics like mine anyway. Since his death, nobody will play songs like these, even if Coldplay wrote and recorded them.

And I don't care that Woolworths and HMV won't stock or sell my music - I shift thousands through Amazon and iTunes, thank you very much.

The sad effect of moral censorship does affect the airplay of Golden Oldies. Few now spin those terrific Glitter hits from the 70's. Again, I'm lucky; not only do I have hundreds of thousands of views and listens on the Internet, with home made videos for Una Paloma Blanca and Everyone's Gone To The Moon and others getting You Tube play, but of course I benefit from having had dozens of old hits under other names, so Johnny Reggae and Loop di Love and It Only Takes A Minute get uninformed terrestrial airplay all the time too.

I decided to expose my new music via a movie. So Vile Pervert: The Musical has had over 23,000 full length views and downloads from and it contains 21 songs in the 96 minutes of relentless and hysterical entertainment. Assume many don't watch alone; JK plus cans of beer and home made popcorn can entertain half a dozen on a Saturday night after downloading. Far more people will have seen it at home via the Internet than if I'd tried to distribute it through cinemas, TV and

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