As we see Government collapse and democracy fail and the human species reach its end due to selfish abuse of nature, I see the music industry going through the same thing.
The Major Labels are dying but they are not dead yet and their corpses lie across the future like a range of mountains.
The smaller independent models are the future but nobody has worked them out properly yet. Contracts are territorial yet the internet is global. Writer and publisher societies are regional yet the sale and play of music is global.
The future record label needs to sell its own product, own its own product, pay its artistes and writers, expose and promote its own product and do very nicely from the profits of the merchandise - even though the income will be smaller, so will the overheads.
Functions like manager and agent and PR are blurring and morphing into one.
The model of a new music organisation must be clean, clear, efficient, simple, honest, honourable and fast.
We are in the period between the end of the old and the start of the new but things are confused and messy because so much depends on old habits and contracts and methods yet none of them function well at present.
If I were a new artiste I would want NOTHING to do with the major labels and EVERYTHING to do with a new, global, efficient music company that could look after all my interests, plan for the future and develop me to the best level of my talent.
And I cannot see anyone able to do that at the moment.