No, not at all.
If JK was in charge today...
I'd put together several brilliant 3 minute packages to drop in through the show.
I'd make it live or "as live" (an hour or so ahead) in order to keep results secret.
I'd change the entire "opening the envelope" way of revealing the results.
I'd make sure it was GREAT TV by including several novel and totally original ingredients (I still think Maggie Thatcher crooning How Much Is That Doggie In The Window was a jewel in the Brits crown).
But then I've always done it different... my ONLY forays into TV...
Entertainment USA (9 million BBC2 viewers); No Limits (Top of the BBC2 ratings chart); saving The Brits in 1990, 1991 and 1992; saving the UK in Eurovision; and the Record of the Year shows on ITV every early December (boosting music sales by a huge amount at Xmas every year).