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Home arrow Attitudes & Opinions arrow Starblvds: an old article but may give accurate information if you're interested
Starblvds: an old article but may give accurate information if you're interested PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 17 February 2006
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Starblvds: an old article but may give accurate information if you're interested
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We are in the process of piecing together this story, and have not yet heard from Anthony himself. We will have further details and user reaction in later coverage. However, as best we can determine now, the popular StarBlvd free transloader and its $50-per-year pay-service counterpart TL/2 suffered a catastrophic disk failure March 4. Anthony posted in StarBlvd's Transloader Forum the following explanation: About those files, yes, they are gone. I wish there is a way to recover them. The fact is, this time is it not a disk crash. The new diskarray system we bought two months ago in the hope to replace the old disk and get us better stability, blanked out entirely on its own disk slices even the Tatung's best hardware technicians cannot restored it. Those accounts being restored were from my calculations of the purchase records, they were manually created. The failure of the diskarray system meant that all of StarBlvd's free services, as well as the TL/2 services were interrupted. All of the files that were stored in the TL2 file pool were lost irretrievably. Anthony had to spend three days recovering customer accounts with the help of payment records and an old copy of the TL/2 software. TL/2 services were then partially restored, by opening new accounts for the users.

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