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ORSON - the latest PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 06 February 2006
On the cover of yesterday's Sunday Times Culture section, with a rather strange passing mention saying "LO AND BEHOLD" they suddenly got attention from the British music industry.
Let's be quite clear about this, Orson boys.
After years of being totally ignored by the industry in your native Los Angeles, a poster enthusing on the Velvet Rope message board provoked a typical music biz argument about "they are too old".
I read this post (some months later... catching up on music from whilst I was away), listened to the music, loved it and posted a message on our Tip Sheet board raving about the band and asking why nobody seemed interested.
My friend and protege Joe Taylor listened, agreed with me and suggested that one of their tracks should be made one of the 300 Records of the Day selection.
Meanwhile, several other industry types were picking up on the Tip Sheet thread, discussing absurd AGEISM in music and agreeing about the group.
As a direct result of all this interest, inspired by The Tip Sheet board, Orson were approached and got two deals - one with Universal Music publishing; one with Mercury.
The lesson to be learned...
it's easy enough to attribute God or Fate or even the quality of the music (ignored for years) but the SPARK has to be ignited by someone, somewhere.
Incidentally, KARMA plays a large part as well.
Be greatful, ORSON, and never forget how it happened.
Or it might all just fade away...
like Chumbawamba or The Baha Men...
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