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Smash Hits closes/Memories of Revvolution!
Friday, 03 February 2006
Smash Hits and Kerrang! revived enthusiasm for music in the 1980's. I loved them both. Sadly both went downhill and really died some years ago (Kate bloody Thornton didn't help). When we started Revvolution 15 years ago it was the blueprint for new magazines. We printed up 100,000 copies. But when the sales figures came through (3 weeks after the launch - no wonder the industry was clueless... 3 weeks to get figures?) - we'd only sold 18,000. So our printer took fright. We printed and distributed 50,000 of Issue 4 and folded. Then the sales figures came in for week 2 - up to 25,000. And week 3; 31,000. And by the time we got the figures for Week 4 - 36,000 - it was 72% of our print run; potentially a great success. But too late. People pay a fortune for those rare issues. I look at them with pride. Really different; really intelligent; great fun. A shame.