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Saturday, 07 January 2006 |
Well, I can't believe this appalling flu. For the first year ever, I had the flu jab. Survived Xmas - wonderful time, relaxing, peaceful, family - then started feeling a bit blocked up. Around the 28th it struck. Dry throat, burning chest, incredible fever, sweating so I had to change bed linen every day... After 3-4 days I summoned a doctor who salid it had gone to my chest and prescribed a course of strong anti biotics. That took a day or two to kick in but I'm feeling better now though there's still a dry cough here and there and a sniffly snuffle tendency. The damn thing lasted ten days and I'm sure it's not completely over yet. My voice is raspy. I could make Rod Stewart tribute CD's. God knows what the avian flu is like if this is the new ordinary flu.