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King of Hits
Saving retail PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 02 May 2018
At lunch with a friend yesterday I told how, if events had not conspired against me in 2000, I would have developed retail for music in the UK in order to save shops on the High Streets and elsewhere.

I'd have done deals (as Global Chairman of EMI) with the online suppliers like, now, iTunes (then, of course Napster and other developing companies like Apple) for downloading links with special deals so if someone entered a shop, it would be staffed by people who cared about and knew about music, who would say, for example, "if you like Springsteen you might enjoy this Tom Petty bloke" or "there is this new rapper called Eminem"... or "indie is adapting try this..." or... "latest Garage..."

Download to your online account through the HMV or One Stop or whichever chain or linked indie store and there's a 20% discount... that kind of thing.

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