I hope you are right Honey but it has taken me 17 years so far and when the system rejects as unimportant evidence that I was on another continent when one of the non existent crimes was meant to have taken place in London, what hope can there be? Britain's judicial system is broken; yes, we dare to dream not beyond repair but we may find our fingers remain crossed for years, not months. I'm still battling over the Deaths In Custody of three friends of mine. Far more serious but it took the relatives and friends at Hillsborough almost 30 years before anybody was even prepared to listen (and even then the word Scapegoats springs to mind). Are we even close to seeing the killer(s) of those Deepcut kids brought to court? Who cares about the incompetent cops in charge of the force that allowed 14 year old Breck Bednar to have his throat cut? Nobody is even vaguely interested in investigating how Levi Belfield was allowed to murder Amelie and Marsha (and very nearly Kate - please read My Sister Milly). As long as the vast majority of Brits simply doesn't care about miscarriages of justice and our leaders waste breath on truisms about friends, family, thoughts and prayers instead of doing something about it, we must make ourselves comfortable in this handcart on our way to Hell.