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King of Hits
Crown Prosecution Service PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
I know several CPS people check this forum; another poster asked "Has Danny Day (David Bryant's false accuser - Google them) had to return the large sums he was paid in compensation?".

Many of us wonder about this but even more; is he being prosecuted for Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice?

And more crucially are the Police Officers who either ignored or chose not to examine his past and certainly failed to inform the CPS of his background also being prosecuted? And if not, why not?

Do the CPS ignore criminal activity by officers of the law because such prosecutions may mean fewer convictions for the CPS to celebrate?

And when the CPS say their key principle is "can we get a conviction?" do they include miscarriages of justice amongst their triumphs?

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