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King of Hits
Happy New Year PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 01 January 2017
Every year the news bulletins, with some surprise, announce that New Zealand and Australia have celebrated the New Year arrival first.

Like the old leaves on the line train delay excuses. And the surprise snow bulletins.

Having been a part of the media since I was 14, when the Mail, or the Daily Mail, as it was then, published my first letter, I have been a part of the communications industry - and celebrating twenty years or so of this site I can also claim to have been a part of the new media for longer than most.

But I have to say, like the music industry, standards have declined. Imagination and originality have shrunk.

Whilst there have been advances (in distribution, availability, concepts) the basic essentials have been abandoned in many cases.

The Mail Online yesterday carried a headline about the oldest man in the world - born in 1970!

The actual story said 1870 but the headline remained wrong for hours whilst the workers were busy nibbling cold turkey.

Slack, lazy, they don't care.

Which has been one of the main problems.



Out of the window has gone depth and complexity. No wonder we get Brexit and Trump and Twitter.

Happy New Year, media.

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