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King of Hits
Child Sex Inquiry - the truth PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 29 September 2016
What on earth is going on at the Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry? I will tell you.

The professional and efficient judges, lawyers and others asked to examine this explosion of claims, rapidly discovered that many, if not most, allegations were either false or exaggerated.

They also quickly found that unscrupulous lawyers and lazy police were either intentionally or accidentally helping and encouraging false accusers and - as I have described it - the False Allegations Industry.

With huge rewards involved in compensation, media interview fees and law suits, this explosion of fake or inflated accusations, usually historical but sometimes current, has clearly been encouraged by media but in reality was a far smaller problem than painted in the tabloids and other places.

As best shown with Operation Midland, people make things up.

For whatever reason, the vast majority of claims are simply untrue. Sadly the true victims suffer by not being believed as the avalanche of lies, fantasies and misunderstandings suffocate the truth.

As this dawned on well intentioned professionals, fearing the attack of the killer false accusers and their apologists, people have been quitting, resigning, or slipping away rather than announcing the horrible truth.

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