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Who will be the new God(dard)? PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 06 August 2016
Could it be that the False Allegations Industry is well aware that too close scrutiny by an honest, independent panel might decide that there are more characters like Danny Day, Nick, Darren and the rest than media allows us to think? That the proliferation of Cliff, Gambo, Tremeloes cases might suggest that a truly independent panel ought to interview the false accusers to see whether the insufficient evidence excuse stands up, or are there more loonies or genuinely deluded or gold diggers than admitted?

If that is the case, would not the FAI, whilst pretending to want fast and efficient conclusions, actually prefer that the inquiry stumbles on for years, just in case the final report destroys the cash cow that so many lawyers, hacks and police rather enjoy at present?

Those determined to continue the paedos under the bed scenario do have a tendency to paint those sceptical about sex allegations as being totally blind to the fact that there is and has been any abuse at all. Whereas in fact many of us feel that a combination of exaggeration, invention, changing times and morals, media publicity and inflation and helpful police and lawyers has turned relatively few serious abuse cases into an avalanche.

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