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Operation Midland and Nasty Nick PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 21 March 2016
And now the media needs to kick in. Especially London and Surrey. Let us hear more - as discovered in forensic detail by Panorama - about this murder in Kingston; when a boy was killed in a car driven by a Cabinet minister. Why no press coverage? Why no police report? Why no hospital entry? Why no missing complaint? And why were these discrepancies not found out before the investigation - let alone before a cop called the crime credible and true?

Then, more generally, the media should examine the role of Exaro. Of lawyers encouraging False Accusers. The conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The desire for cash or attention or sympathy or press.

And other False Allegations. Is this crime being sufficiently examined? Or do we, the public, not care that people exaggerate, inflate, invent in order to profit?

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