Media coverage of my arrest |
Friday, 11 September 2015 |
Interesting that all media carried the police statement that this is connected to The Walton Hop - neither of my two new false accusers had - or claimed - any connection at all with The Walton Hop. Neither, incidentally, did any of the five men with whom I was wrongly convicted in 2001. You'd almost think that Surrey Police were trawling for false allegations about The Walton Hop, wouldn't you?
I wonder what the Surrey Police reaction would be if they were directly asked by the media - you say "The arrests were made in connection to alleged incidents carried out at the Walton Hop Disco in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey." And specifically Det Ch Insp Karen Mizzi said: 'This is a complex investigation into numerous allegations of sexual abuse and assault dating back over several decades. Our investigation focuses on the Walton Hop Disco, a popular event for youngsters between the 1970s and 1980s, and we are following a number of lines of inquiry. However, if anyone has information that may help the investigation I would ask them to contact us.'
Yet King claims the false allegations against him did not mention The Walton Hop at all. Did you lie to us about this? And, if so, why?
Because there are still some members of our national media who do not appreciate being used in this fashion.