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King of Hits
Here Comes The Mail - Part Two PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 06 September 2015
We see these pathetic stories crumbling, started by mentally unstable characters in a fantasy world wanting attention, sympathy, believing their own stories (reminds me of the man who started my witch hunt, who, it transpires, made money as a teenager telling people his mother was dying of cancer and forcing her to call the donors to deny the tale and apologise)

- carried by media sources desperate for "great stories" (like the wonderful Exaro) - picked up by millions as a "great story" - forcing under funded police forces to spend millions on investigating stupid tales that, a few years ago, would have been dropped in seconds - stirred up by media howls ("Savile WAS a pervert - ignored for years") expanding unproveable stories and encouraging further mad tales by unhinged "victims".

We've seen it all before - 15 years ago - and found it unbelievable then.

Could sane, intelligent, balanced, decent men and women REALLY take these seriously?

Well, they did; I got 7 years for crimes that never took place; hundreds of other innocent men and women are in prison. Billions of tax monies wasted.

It is time Government and Police Chiefs owned up and clamped down on the False Allegations Industry.

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