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King of Hits
Brooks back? PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 29 August 2015
I have no problem with Rebekah getting her old job back (if she can survive the rest of the media pack). I'm no fan but she (and, even more, others) did not deserve the witch hunt. Hope she gives Andy Coulson a great job. These are my thoughts on the hacking scandal.

It is easy - and natural - to simplify ones opinions. I'm not a fan of Brooks.

I gather, incidentally, that Murdoch asked her to "go easy" on me 15 years ago but she refused.

But the entire witch hunt on the media (a "good story" written by the Guardian) reflects the other witch hunts. In reality, media hacks have been behaving disgracefully, immorally and irresponsibility since media began.

And it's got worse and worse as the quest for profits grew.

But the bad areas have been ignored (and continue): the chosen areas for destruction and criticism by the likes of Leveson missed the real targets entirely.

"Tap phones"? Of course, if it's legal, great way to discover truth. If illegal, don't do it but find a legal way to do it.

Foolishly, brain dead hacks were too useless and lazy to bother trying to find legal (or better concealed) ways. So they got done (or nearly done).

But the true crimes - lack of respect for truth, cruelly in pursuit of great stories - were ignored.

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